A number of books and inkjet prints are currently available for purchase with additional works forthcoming. All orders must be prepaid by check or money order sent to me at the above address. I am sorry that I cannot process credit card payments at this time. Please email me with any questions or requests for additional information.
- Unidos por el amor, zerographic book, 11” x 8 1/2”, 12 pages, self cover, signed, 1986, $15.00
- Audrey Decides, reissued in 2006, xerographic book with inkjet cover, 8 1/2" x 5 1/2", 20 pages, signed, $25.00
- Letters to Jupiter, black and white offset book, 7 1/2” x 6”, 16 pages, handmade cover, hand-sewn binding, signed, 1981, $30.00
- Letters to Jupiter, black and white offset book, 7 1/2” x 6”, 16 pages, handmade cover, hand-sewn binding, hand colored pages, signed, 1981, $150.00
- Portraits and Other Disclosures, black and white offset book, 10” x 8 1/2”, 24 pages, self cover, signed, 1978, $25.00
Individual orders for limited edition signed and numbered inkjet prints are available unframed in archival paper folders. These works may also be purchased in exhibition quality, custom-made wood frames for an additional $400.
Please allow 2 – 4 weeks for delivery.
- The End of the Universe, 38 1/2” x 31”, signed and numbered inkjet print, 2006, unframed, $1500 plus shipping
- Lake Water / Wake Later, 31” x 38 3/4”, signed and numbered inkjet print, 2006, unframed, $1500 plus shipping
- Moon of Decision, 38 3/4” x 31”, signed and numbered inkjet print, 2006, unframed, $1500 plus shipping
- Topo of the Trip, 8 1/2” x 11”. series of 10 inkjet prints in portfolio with printed statement and archival interleaving, set signed and numbered, 2005, set $2200; individual images $200 each
- Conjugations / Conjurations / Journeys, 11” x 8 1/2” or 14” x 11”, series of 24 inkjet prints in portfolio with printed statement and archival interleaving, set signed and numbered, 2005, $3,000 for 11” x 8 1/2” set; $4,000 for 14” x 11” set
- Places I Have Been, 8 1/2” x 11”, series of 10 inkjet prints in portfolio with printed statement and archival interleaving, set signed and numbered, 2006, set $2200; individual images $200 each
- Conceptual Monuments to a Passing Culture, 11” x 14”, series of 7 inkjet prints in portfolio with printed statement and archival interleaving, set signed and numbered, 2006, set $2,000; individual images $250